1 bus schedule to parx casino
1 bus schedule to parx casino

Moore to FTC 4 Broad-Pattison to Fern Rock TC 5 Front-Market to Frankford TC 6 Cheltenham-Ogontz to Olney TC 7 Pier 70 to 33rd-Dauphin 8 Olney TC to Frankford TC 9 4th-Walnut to Andorra 12 Columbus-Dock to 50th-Woodland 14 FTC to Nesh/Oxford Valley Malls 16 City Hall to Cheltenham-Ogontz 17 Front-Mkt to 20-Johnston/Broad-Pat 18 Fox Chase to Cedarbrook Plaza 19 Torresdale Station to FTC 20 Philadelphia Mills to FTC 21 Penns Landing to 69th St TC 22 Warminster & Willow Grove to OTC 23 11th Market to Chestnut Hill 24 Southampton & Rockledge to FTC 25 FTC to Columbus Commons 26 FTC to Chelten Av Station 27 Broad-Carpenter to PlymouthMtgMall 28 Fern Rock TC to Torresdale-Cottman 29 Pier 70 to 33rd-Dickinson 30 Amtrak 30th St Sta to 69th St TC 31 City Hall to 76th-City 32 Broad-Carpenter to Ridge-Lyceum 33 Penns Landing to 23rd-Venango 35 Manayunk Roxborough Loop 36B 13th-Market to 80th-Eastwick ▬ 37 ChesterTC to Broad-Snyder 38 5th-Market to Wissahickon TCģ9 Richmond-Cumberland to 33rd-Dauphin 40 2nd-Lombard to Conshohocken-Monumnt 42 Penns Landing to Wycombe or61stPine 43 Richmond-Cumberland to 50th-Parksde 44 5th-Market to Ardmore 45 Broad & Oregon to Noble & 12th 46 58th-Baltimore to 63rd-Malvern 47 Whitman Plaza to 5th-Godfrey 47M Whitmn Plz to 7th-Spg Grd via 9thSt 48 Front-Market to 27th-Allegheny 49 33rd-Dauphin to 29th-Snyder 50 Parx Casino via Phila Mills to FTC 52 49th-Wdland to 54th-City/50th-PrkSd 53 Wayne-Carpenter to Broad-Hunting Pk 54 Richmond-Cambria to 33rd-Dauphin 55 Willow Grove & Doylestown to OTC 56 23rd-Venango to Torresdale-Cottman 57 WhitmanPlaza to RisingSun-Olney&FTC 58 Neshaminy Mall & Somerton to FTC 59 Castor-Bustleton to Arrott TC 60 35th-Allegheny to Rich-Westmoreland 61 9th-Market to Manayunk 62 9th-Market to Andorra 64 50th-Parkside to Pier 70 65 Germantown-Chelten to 69th St TC 66 Frankfd TC to Frankford-Knights 67 Phila Mills & Bustleton to FTC 68 Broad-Oregon to UPS & 69th St TC 70 Fkd-Gregg/Torr-Cottmn to FRTC 73 FTC to Richmond-Westmoreland 75 Wayne Junction to Arrott Trans Ctr 77 Roosevelt-St Vincent to ChestntHill 78 Express Cornwells Hgts to Ctr Cityħ9 Columbus Commons to 29th-Snyder 80 Express Horsham to Olney TC 84 Bustleton-CoLine&Phila Mills to FTC 88 Bethayres & Frankford-Gregg to FTC 89 Front-Dauphin to Arrott TC 90 Plymouth Mtng.

1 bus schedule to parx casino 1 bus schedule to parx casino

1 Parx Casino to 54th-City 2 20-Johnston to Pulaski-Hntg Park 3 33rd-Cecil B.

1 bus schedule to parx casino